Beliefnet's editor in chief, Steven Waldman, take a close look a proclamation Governor Sarah palin signed to declare a "Christian Heritage Week" in Alaska. The pieces is aptly titled, "Palin's Christian Heritage Week" explores the implications and importance of such a proclamation.
Technically, it speaks of the Christian heritage much as Irish citizens might talk about a state's Irish heritage.
But the resolution plucks Founding Father quotes out of context to give misleading impressions about their views on the role of religion in society. James Madison would roll in his grave if he saw that Memorial and Remonstrance was quoted as part of a Christian Heritage resolution. He was a hard-core advocate of separation of church and state who even advocated against well-meaning government efforts to aid religion. Ben Franklin did make that comment about God's intervention during the Constitutional convention but he also declared that he doubted the divinity of Christ. George Washington refused to take communion.
I encourage you to take a look at the article which also includes the actual text of the proclamation by clicking here.